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'Unlock YOUR Potential' Reading & Hypnotherapy

A complete investigation and mapping into your life journey, focusing on specific questions that you may be exploring.  Discover the tools you need to make change, and then use the power of the subconscious mind to influence your desired outcome or destiny.


8+ hours  /   $595




  • Sabian Oracle Birth Chart Reading


  • Enneagram Analysis


  • 3 Life Questions & 2 hour live Higher Self Hypnosis


  • Personalised Hypnosis Recording to 'Unlock YOUR Potential'




Smaller Session Packages available as listed below

with each service description


Birth chart Reading

SABIAN ORACLE READING - Clairvoyant Birth Chart Oracle

No online session, tailored Sabian Astrology birth chart reading and hypnotherapy recording supplied 



Terryl utilises an innovative hypnotherapy practice that incorportates the Sabian Oracle, developed in 1925; a channelled astrological tool. This collection of 360 Degrees of Wisdom provides a symbolic representation of the spirit world for each degree of the zodiac. Through Soulutions With Hypnotherapy, you can unlock your Energetic Mapping, Point of Entry and Subconscious Purpose and Potential. Learn more about these projections and see how they can help you to focus your efforts towards the fulfillment of your life journey and purpose.

You can elect for a Sabian's Oracle map of your birth chart and tailored hypnotherapy to assist integration in life directrion and purpose, or as part of the 'Unlock YOUR Potenial' complete package.

Birth chart Reading

Enneagram Analysis

No online session, tailored Enneragram reading and hypnotherapy recording supplied   



As a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Terryl is passionate about helping people understand themselves better. Recently, she has been developing hypnotherapy approaches that use the Enneagram, a powerful indepth personality device developed by Standford to determine traits. Through the Enneagram, Terryl aids clients in understanding their top three archetypes and how to express them in alignment and balance. She then uses these results to create benevolent suggestion for self-actualisation in your Personalised 'Unlock Your Potential' Hypnosis.


To help you understand yourself better via this mapping technique, you'll be sent a link to the Enneagram interview process to complete 144 choice questions/statements.


Relationship Reading
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Higher Self Hypnosis

2 hours  Online (or in person) LIVE Hypntherapy session 




Unlock the power of your Higher Self with Terryl, an experienced hypnotherapist. Through her Deep Mind Hypnotherapy protocols, Terryl helps to access the innate wisdom within and guide clients on the path to self-discovery. Join her on the journey to uncover the answers to your life questions.  The finding from this process are copmbined with The Sabian Oracle and Enneagram to develop a hypnotherapy recording that assists with determinging your true life path. 

yearly Transit Reading
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Personalised Hypnosis Recording

This is an integrative hypnotherapy approach, dedicated to helping clients program their subconscious with all the wisdom unearthed via the previous techniques. Combining the understandings obtained from the Higher Self Hypnosis with the Enneagram and Sabian Oracle, Terryl provides a rich and meaningful hypnosis to unlock all the potential within you. This track which you can listen to regularly in the comfort and sanctuary of your own home or space, is designed to help you activate your blueprint for your best possible expression of Deep Self.  It truly is a key and catalyst to help you move into unified alignment.

Book an Appointment with Terryl

For Readings and Hypnotherapy Consultations
Tel: 0492 819 558

Hamilton, VICTORIA, 
Australia, 3300

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